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Shawn’s 2023 Back-To-School Must Haves

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes get overwhelmed thinking of everything I need to get for each of the kids during the back to school season. If you’ve been feeling this way, you’re not alone! 

I try to remind myself to buy only what the kids actually “need” and then sometimes we throw in a few fun items to get them excited for the school year. There’s really no need to spend a ton of money every year buying everything brand new (unless you want to, of course!) In our house, we use a lot of the same things year after year but other items like lunch boxes and water bottles always need replacing because those things come home lookin’ rough after a whole school year. 

Here’s a list of my current faves! If you’re curious about any other brands or products I’m loving lately, drop me a question HERE!

Bento Box - We use these things every. single. day. They divide up the food perfectly for picky eaters and help you avoid playing Tupperware Tetris trying to squeeze a bunch of individual containers into a lunchbox 

Simple Modern Water Bottle - Our kids LOVE picking out their fun water bottle design for the year and are big fans of the little straw. These bottles are stainless steel so they keep water cool all day long, even if you leave them in the car by accident (a weekly occurrence for us- oops!).

Cambond Pencil Case - A cute and simple storage case for pencils, pens, crayons, markers, colored pencils or whatever your kids use at school. Drew loves the unicorn design and it helps us stay organized. Also a good option for older kids who use scissors, a calculator and protractors (may have had to google what those things are’s been a while haha)

Backpacks - Our kids are too young to bring backpacks to school BUT right now I’m obsessed with the brand State,  they have the CUTEST designs and their bags are made of recycled materials which is really cool. I’m also a huge fan of Stony Clover because they let you personalize the backpacks with colorful letters and shapes. Both brands are definitely pricier but like I said, my kids don’t bring backpacks to school yet so this one is just for fun ;) 

Claire’s Hair Accessories for Drew - Drew loves going into Claire’s and picking out something special she can wear in her hair to school. Whether it's decorative clips, headbands or bows, we like buying it from Claire’s because they have great prices and so many options (plus, Claire’s is kind of nostalgic for us moms, you know?)

Hello Bello Hand Soap - Back to school germs are no joke. We have our kids wash their hands as soon as they get home and they love the Hello Bello foaming soap. Hello Bello also has amazing body washes, shampoos, conditioners, diapers and more, all made with clean ingredients.

AG1 - Speaking of back to school germs, this one’s for the parents. Andrew and I arm our immune system daily with a cup of AG1 mixed with water. It’s especially important during cold + flu season and it’s nice knowing we are getting all our daily vitamins/minerals to support our immune system the best we can.* 

*This product is not for children

Kids Vitamins - While the parents are drinking AG1, your kids will need their own vitamins to fight back at all those school germs. Two brands we trust for kids vitamins are MaryRuth’s and Hiya. Both brands use top of the line ingredients and leave out the extra chemicals and sugars you’ll often find in vitamins at the grocery store. Unfortunately a lot of kids' vitamins on the market are more like candy and less like vitamins, so we love knowing these brands have our kids’ health in mind. 

Stickers for kids - These are great for teachers and parents alike! Every kid loves receiving a gold star so it’s fun to have a pack at home for when the kids need some encouragement for doing a great job. I like this pack because there’s a ton of designs plus a scratch and sniff option. Pro tip: Give your kids a gold star on a piece of paper hanging on the fridge for doing things like brushing their teeth, putting away their toys, sleeping through the night, etc.

Back to school clothes - I’d be lying if I said shopping for new outfits for the kids doesn’t make me really happy. I’m all for a deal where I can find one but sometimes I see something I know Drew will absolutely love and we do a little splurge. I’m not saying these brands are the cheapest but they honestly may be the cutest ;) 

Mr. Pen Sticky Notes - You can never have too many sticky notes to collect the million thoughts a day you have as a parent. These are basic, the perfect amount of “stick” & I like the pastel color so you’re not squinting trying to read what you wrote 

That’s all I have for today! After all, my kids are still in pre-k haha! 

Before you go, I just wanted to remind you that however you’re feeling this back to school season, whether it’s nervous, excited, anxious or ecstatic…it’s totally normal. There’s no right or wrong way to do all this stuff. We’re all out here simply doing the best we can and if nobody has told you lately, that’s more than enough 🙂

Love you guys!


Send me a question here.

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