Family Holiday Traditions

Create lasting memories and build strong family bonds this holiday season by implementing some new family traditions!

Studies show that even the smallest family traditions can boost a child’s self esteem and sense of identity, and what better time to try something new as a family than the holidays?!

🎄✨ Get out and Explore: Check out the fun things your town has to offer for the holidays! Whether it’s a tree lighting, nutcracker performance or parade, you’d be surprised what even the smallest towns do to bring families together this time of year!

📜 Story Time by the Fireplace: Do you have someone in your family who is a great reader? Curl up with a classic Christmas book by the fireplace and let your imagination transport you straight to the North Pole. Nothing feels more nostalgic than the tradition of storytelling so add some hot cocoa, dim the lights and turn on the Christmas tree for an added cozy bonus.

🧦 Matching Christmas PJ’s: Everyone in the family loves pajamas so why not get a cozy pair to match? Creating a tradition of opening new sleepwear on Christmas Eve has become a household tradition for many. If you’re really feeling festive, set up your phone or camera on a self timer and do a family holiday photoshoot!

Scope Out the Holiday Lights: Take a drive around your community and find the best light displays! Make hot cocoa before you leave or stop at a coffee shop on your way out and crank the Christmas music up as you search for the twinkling lights. The car can be a great place to enjoy family conversation, sing carols or just soak in the magic of the season while looking out the window.

🎅 Seek out Santa: Does Santa make a stop near your town this time of year? Even if it’s at the local mall, making time to see Saint Nick himself can uplift spirits and spread the holiday cheer! Don’t forget to leave him cookies on Christmas Eve!

🎶 Go Caroling! While this may feel awkward to some, you’d be surprised at how fun this can be if you get a good group together! Plus, the neighbors love it and it brings the community together. Gather a group, pick your songs and even bring along a donation box to donate to a charity of choice at the end of the night.

🍪 Family Bake Day: Carve out a day where you and your loved ones come together and bake holiday treats that can then be used as little gifts for teachers, friends and family! Baked goods can include anything from christmas cookies to hand-dipped chocolate pretzels, peanut butter balls or any dessert of choice. Not only will this provide easy “grab and go” gifts, but baking with loved ones will create memories for years to come. 

🕯️ Advent Calendar Countdown: Make or buy an advent calendar (or re-use the same one year after year) and each night spend time as a family revealing a new treat as we get one day closer to Christmas day.

🎁 Give the Gift of Generosity: Make it a tradition for your family to embody generosity this time of year! There are so many ways to give back during the holidays including toy drives, food drives, donating to a charity, sponsoring a family in need or volunteering your time. Teaching your family how to embody the true spirit of Christmas is perhaps the best tradition of all. 

🏡 Gingerbread House Contest: Buy a gingerbread house decorating kit and decorate it as a family or invite friends and family members over and have a contest! Once the houses are decorated, everyone can cast their vote for the winner. If you’re feeling really fancy this year, whip up the gingerbread houses yourself! 

🦌 Make Reindeer Food: Peel some veggies such as carrots and celery, add some oats and throw on some sprinkles or glitter for some extra holiday magic. Leave the food outside on Christmas eve for when Santa comes! 

🎄 Gift your child an ornament every year: Start a collection of special ornaments for your child that they can eventually add to their own tree when they’re grown up. Buy them an ornament that has to do with something they loved this past year or a big milestone so they can look back and remember when it was given.

Let us know what Family traditions you try by emailing


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